National Purple Heart Day - Aug 7th
Chapter 423 of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, at the foot of majestic Pikes Peak, invites the public to an Open House in recognition of the National Purple Heart Day.

Fact Sheet
Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) Chapter 423 Open House
WHO: Military Order of the Purple of the USA (MOPH) Chapter 423.
The MOPH is chartered by
the United States Congress. MOPH Chapter 423 opened in 1977 and is named in honor of James
M. Selix who was killed in action in Vietnam. MOPH Chapter 423 is the largest MOPH chapter in
the state of Colorado and one of the few (if not only) MOPH chapters in the United States with
its own building. The MOPH mission is to foster an environment of goodwill and camaraderie
among combat wounded veterans, promote patriotism, support necessary legislative initiatives,
and most importantly, provide service to all veterans and their families. MOPH Chapter 423
serves all of Southern Colorado and is open to Purple Heart recipients. Spouses, children, and
grandchildren of Purple Heart recipients are eligible to join the MOPH Auxiliary. At the Open
House event, MOPH Chapter 423 is offering FREE life membership to all Purple Heart
recipients, their eligible spouses, children, and grandchildren; a $200 value (the applicant must
meet the MOPH and MOPH Auxiliary National Office’s membership eligibility criteria). The
MOPH is one of the most revered veterans’ service organizations in the United States because
of the fact that its membership is comprised solely of combat wounded veterans (family
members are either associate life members of the Order or members of the MOPH Auxiliary).
MOPH Chapter 423 has a long history of helping Southern Colorado’s needy veterans and their
families and takes great pride in providing a place of positivity and purpose for combat
wounded veterans and their families.
WHAT: National Purple Heart Recognition Day Ceremony & MOPH Chapter 423 Open House
WHERE: MOPH Chapter 423 Building, located at 2 Carson Circle, Fountain, CO 80817
WHEN: Saturday, 05 August 2023, from noon to 4 PM
PURPOSE (WHY): National Purple Heart Recognition Day is on 07 August every year, which falls on
a Monday this year.
MOPH Chapter 423 will hold its National Purple Heart Day Recognition
ceremony and open house on Saturday, 05 August, to make it easier for the public to attend.
Distinguished invitees include the mayors of Colorado Springs, Fountain, & Pueblo and first
responders and military leaders in the Colorado Springs, Fountain, and Pueblo areas.
GUEST SPEAKER: Veterans Trauma Court judge the Honorable David Shakes.
Judge Shakes’ father
is a Purple Heart recipient.
MOPH Chapter 423 contact information for the general public:
Website: www.moph423.org
Telephone number: (719) 391-7794
Email: moph423@gmail.com
Media interviews with MOPH Chapter 423 Leadership and Members may be arranged. Our members have served in combat tours in various conflicts around the world over several decades including the Wars in Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. A list of members available for media interviews is available by contacting us.